Scotland's Gaelic language:

This page is under construction, much more is to be added.


Thig Dòrlach beò a-màireach! Cuiridh sinn Dòrlach air bhog Latha Buidhe Bealltainn.

Dòrlach comes to life tomorrow! Dòrlach will launch as a Registered Scottish Charity May 1st 2021.

Seo agaibh naigheachd bheag bho Àdhamh mu dhéidhinn na tha 'dol sna mìosan a tha romhainn.

Here you all have a little news from Àdhamh Ó Broin about what's going on in the months before us.

Tha sinn air sgioba a thoirt comhla air son obair nan dualchainnt a chur air dòigh an da-rìreadh as déidh deich blianaichean de rannsachadh, clàrachadh 's meòrachadh.

We have brought a team together to pursue work on the dialects in earnest after a decade of research, recording and ruminating.

Bidh Àdhamh a' cur air dòigh comhradh beò feasgar a-màireach aig 19:00 nuair a chuireas e fàilte air buill na buidhne 's nuair a bhios e 'bruidhinn mu dhéidhinn nan iomairtean a bhios ron bhuidhinn sna mìosan a tha ri thighinn.

Àdhamh shall put on a live conversation tomorrow evening at 19:00 when he shall welcome the members of the group and when he shall be speaking about the projects that are ahead of the group in the months to come.

Bithibh an dùil ri naigheachdan às Eilean Leódhais, Meathan Arra-Ghàidheil, Gallaibh 's eile, gun luaidh air iomadh rud a bharrachd.

Expect mention of the Isle of Lewis, Central Argyll, Caithness and others, not to mention lots of other projects.

Bidh Dòrlach a' strìgh gun stad air son cùis nan Gàidheal taobh iomadh cheàrn 's a' seasachd chòirichean dìleab ar sinnsearan.

Dòrlach shall struggle without pause for the sake of the cause of the Gael and shall stand the rights of the legacy of our ancestors.

Bidh sinn ag obair an guailibh bhuidhnean eile taobh Albann gus dualchas 's dòigh-beatha nan Gàidheal a leigeil air ceann-gnothaich 's cùl air a chur ris cho tric na làitheansa (air son dòigh-inntinn na Beurla).

We shall be working at the shoulder of other groups in Scotland in order to place Gaelic culture and lifeway at the head of matters when it is so often ignored these days (replaced by English language mindset).

Tha Gàidhlig an uchd a' bhàis. Tha a' chùis nas miosa na bha i riamh. Tha sinn air cath no dhà a ghleidheil ré nam blianaichean 's muinntir Albann a' fàs déidheil air a' chànan às ùr, ach tha an uiread ri dhianamh fhathast gus ruaig a chur air an sprochd!

Gaelic is in the lap of death. The business is worse than it ever was. We've won a battle or two through the years and Scotland's people growing fond of the language anew, but there is much to be done yet in order that we put the retreat on the dejection!

Bidh sinn ag obair gu dlùth leis ar càirdean còire taobh Alba Nuaidh, Éirinn 's Mhanainn 's le tùsanaich eile air feamh na Roinn Eòrpa 's an t-saoghail gu léir.

We shall be working closely with our dear relatives in Nova Scotia, Ireland and Mann and with other indigenous people throughout Europe and the entire world.